Rasmus Hoffery Nielsen
Attorney-at-law (H)
Rasmus Hoffery Nielsen
Attorney-at-law (H)
Education and experience
Born 1975. Master of Laws, University of Copenhagen 2002. Admitted to the Danish Bar 2005. Right of audience before the Danish High Court 2005. Right of audience before the Danish Supreme Court 2010.
Handles corporate and commercial law in a broad sense, including all aspects of real property, construction law, purchase and sale of real property, business leases and tenancy law, association law, including owners’ associations and cooperative housing associations, restructuring, issues in relation to company law and generational succession as well as terms of employment.
Offers ongoing assistance in connection with restructuring and other creditor arrangements as well as administers bankruptcy estates as bankruptcy trustee. Furthermore, Rasmus Hoffery Nielsen is an experienced attorney, who has conducted many large business related court and arbitration cases.
Rasmus Hoffery Nielsen also acted as companion before the Stateless Commission.
He has taught procedural law at the University of Copenhagen.
Rasmus Hoffery Nielsen
Attorney-at-law (H)
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +45 31 95 00 47
Phone: +45 33 48 00 00

Rasmus Hoffery Nielsen
Attorney-at-law (H)
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +45 31 95 00 47
Phone: +45 33 48 00 00

Rasmus Hoffery Nielsen
Attorney-at-law (H)
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +45 31 95 00 47
Phone: +45 33 48 00 00