About Jon Palle Buhl

Jon Palle Buhl provides legal advice to Danish and foreign, private and state-owned companies, foundations and associations, public authorities and individuals.

Målsætningen er at rådgive på højeste faglige niveau og at gøre det effektivt og tilpasset til den enkelte klients behov.

Jon Palle Buhl tilstræber et loyalt og tillidsfuldt forhold til vores klienter. Hver ansvarlige advokat er fortrolig med klientens særlige ønsker og behov og varetager eller koordinerer alle sager for den pågældende klient. Hurtig, effektiv, kompetent og værdiskabende rådgivning er en kerneværdi.

Also, in relation to our counterparts, we strive to provide a professional and firm opposition that is, nevertheless, perceived as fair and not characterised by short-term smartness.

Each of Jon Palle Buhl's attorneys combines a broad legal knowledge with specialist expertise in the selected areas of law . Jon Palle Buhl draws on strong national, European and global professional relationships and networks, ensuring our clients efficient and reliable solutions.

In order to ensure the highest professional level, further and continuing education and continuous updating of knowledge are given high priority for all partners and employees. Jon Palle Buhl has a long tradition of attorneys and assistant attorneys teaching, e.g. at the University of Copenhagen, and actively participates in the work of the Danish Bar and Law Society.

Areas of practice

All of the firm's attorneys advise on general business matters. In addition, the firm’s attorneys focus on the following areas and the subspecialties you will find in connection therewith:

  • Business, corporations and finance
  • Dispute resolution & litigation
  • Construction and real estate
  • Private clients, rekonstruktion og insolvens
  • Media and copyright law
  • IT and GDPR