Martin Kocuba

Assistant Attorney-at-law

Martin Kocuba

Assistant Attorney-at-law

Education and experience

Martin primarily works with litigation and advises both private individuals and businesses in ongoing cases. His focus is particularly on private law disputes, where he assists clients throughout the entire process—from the initiation of the case to its resolution.

As part of his work, Martin drafts legal pleadings in both Danish and English and prepares cases for trial. He primarily provides legal advice within a wide range of private law matters, including succession planning, divorces, prenuptial agreements, wills, custody and visitation rights, as well as residence and parental responsibility cases.

Martin holds a Master of Laws (cand.jur.) from the University of Copenhagen (2025) and is a member of the The Danish Association of Litigation Attorneys (Foreningen af Procedureadvokater).


Martin Kocuba

Assistant Attorney-at-law

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +45 33 48 00 00


Martin Kocuba

Assistant Attorney-at-law

E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +
Phone: +45 33 48 00 00



Martin Kocuba

Assistant Attorney-at-law

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +45 33 48 00 00