Søren Juul
Attorney-at-law (H)
Søren Juul
Attorney-at-law (H)
Education and experience
Right of audience before the Danish High Court 1981. Right of audience before the Danish Supreme Court 1988.
Deals with commercial law in a broad sense, including cases for the financial sector and fund law. Has conducted and is conducting a number of fundamental commercial law cases, including banking, competition and media law cases, before the High Court, the Supreme Court and the European Court.
Has participated as an arbitrator in numerous arbitration cases.
Advisor to the Ministry of the State and Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials during the Tamil case, to the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority officials during the Faroe Bank case, to officials in a large number of subsequent commissions and most recently advisor to the Instruction Commission and the Mink Commission.
Chairman of the Board of Directors for Fonnesbechs Fond and chairman or member of the board of directors of a number of commercial companies.
Chairman of the District Board for Copenhagen Bar Association from 2003 to 2008. Member of Advokatrådet from 2008 to 2015, including chairman for Advokatrådets responsum comittee. Member of the Judicial Appointments Council from 2013 to 2017.
Areas of practice
Søren Juul
Attorney-at-law (H)
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +45 40 52 22 22
Phone: +45 33 48 00 00

Søren Juul
Attorney-at-law (H)
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +45 40 52 22 22
Phone: +45 33 48 00 00

Søren Juul
Attorney-at-law (H)
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +45 40 52 22 22
Phone: +45 33 48 00 00