Peter Grubert
Attorney-at-law (H)
Peter Grubert
Attorney-at-law (H)
Education and experience
Born 1963. Master of Laws, University of Copenhagen 1987. Admitted to the Danish Bar 1990. Right of audience before the Danish High Court in 1992. Right of audience before the Danish Supreme Court in 1997.
Graduate in financing and crediting at the Copenhagen Business School. Part-time lecturer in mergers and acquisitions at the University of Copenhagen 1993-1997. Part-time lecturer in mergers and acquisitions at the Copenhagen Business School 2004-2007. Advisor to a range of companies in both national and international corporate finance transactions. Co-founder of the art presentation project Kunstformidlingsprojekt 1%. Chairman or member of the Board of Directors of a number of companies.
Peter Grubert
Attorney-at-law (H)
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +45 22 21 22 22
Phone: +45 33 48 00 00

Peter Grubert
Attorney-at-law (H)
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +45 22 21 22 22
Phone: +45 33 48 00 00

Peter Grubert
Attorney-at-law (H)
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +45 22 21 22 22
Phone: +45 33 48 00 00