Morten Boe Jakobsen
Attorney-at-law (H)
Morten Boe Jakobsen
Attorney-at-law (H)
Education and experience
Morten is practicing in the fields of commercial litigation and arbitration. Morten conducts cases related to management liability, board liability and professional liability as well as other corporate and commercial disputes, hereunder disputes related to environmental law, media law and insurance law.
Morten has represented management and board members in some of the most complex management and board liability cases in Denmark. Morten has also represented a fertilizer producer in a major environmental case, in which the authorities made environmental claims following a collapse of a fertilizer tank (containing approx. 9,500 m3 fertilizer) and the resulting discharge of fertilizer into the sea and a major fire, where a large number of third parties claimed damages.
Morten also advises on general corporate and commercial legal issues.
Morten has a Master of Laws from the University of Copenhagen and a LL.M. from New York University, School of Law. Morten qualified for the Bar in 2009, was admitted to the District Court in 2011 and gained right of audience before the Supreme Court in 2017.
Morten is a certified arbitrator (by the Association of Danish Law Firms) and a member of the Danish Association of Litigation Attorneys, the Danish Arbitration Association, the Danish Association for Liability and Insrurance law and Copenhagen Attorney's Association
Morten Boe Jakobsen
Attorney-at-law (H)
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +45 28 93 34 74
Phone: +45 33 48 00 00

Morten Boe Jakobsen
Attorney-at-law (H)
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +45 28 93 34 74
Phone: +45 33 48 00 00

Morten Boe Jakobsen
Attorney-at-law (H)
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +45 28 93 34 74
Phone: +45 33 48 00 00