Ole Larsen
Attorney-at-law (H)
Ole Larsen
Attorney-at-law (H)
Education and experience
Born in 1952. Master of Laws from the University of Copenhagen 1981. Appeared before the High Court in 1984 and the Supreme Court in 1989.
I specialise in insolvency law, advice to distressed companies, bankruptcy proceedings, avoidance proceedings and restructuring. I am a permanent trustee in the Maritime and Commercial Court and an appointed attorney for defendants in bankruptcy quarantine cases.
I have litigated a large number of bankruptcy quarantine cases and am the appointed lawyer in the Maritime and Commercial Court for those who have been sued in such cases.
Jeg er tidligere beskikket forsvarer og har behandlet stort alle typer sager indenfor straffeloven, herunder drab, voldtægt, vold, økonomisk kriminalitet og narkosager.
Within specialised legislation, I have mainly dealt with financial crime cases.
Over the years, I have taught insolvency to assistant attorneys-at-law and assistant judges as well as lawyers in continuing legal education programmes.
Since March 2013 I have been certified as an Insolvency lawyer, most recently the certification has been renewed in May 2022 to expire in March 2025.
I am a member of the Danish Insolvency Lawyers Association and the National Association of Appointed Defence Lawyers.
Advokat Ole Larsen driver sin virksomhed i Advokatfirmaet Larsen&Larsen I/S, CVR.nr.: 43 68 70 50, som er i kontorfællesskab med Advokatfirmaet Jon Palle Buhl. Advokatfirmaet Larsen&Larsen har samleklientbankkonti i Sydbank (8075 000170228), og medmindre andet aftales eller oplyses, vil betroede midler blive indsat i denne bank. For så vidt angår indbetalinger i konkursboer, placeres disse på en særskilt klientkonto.
Advokater i Advokatfirmaet Larsen&Larsen er omfattet af Advokatfirmaet Jon Palle Buhls ansvarsforsikring. Advokater og øvrige ansatte i Advokatfirmaet Larsen&Larsen har tiltrådt og er undergivet Advokatfirmaet Jon Palle Buhls hvidvask- og persondatapolitik.
Areas of practice
Ole Larsen
Attorney-at-law (H)
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +45 20 14 44 62
Phone: +45 33 48 00 00

Ole Larsen
Attorney-at-law (H)
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +45 20 14 44 62
Phone: +45 33 48 00 00

Ole Larsen
Attorney-at-law (H)
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +45 20 14 44 62
Phone: +45 33 48 00 00